Saturday, 27 April 2013

Week 4: Q3. What other countries were involved in the space race? Why were they involved?

                It is highly unlikely that most people know that the Space Race was not just between the US and USSR, but in fact many other nations took minor roles. The only nation that had a big impact in the space race was in fact Canada. We Canadians launched the first satellite into orbit other than the US or Russia. Yay 3rd place!! The satellite was called Alouette 1 and was launched on September 29, 1962. The next country to do such a launch was the UK as they launched Ariel 1 in the same year.
                As I was conducting research on this topic I realised that many nations had to rely on either the US or USSR to launch their satellites or rockets. These two countries dictated whether your space program will thrive or not. These countries that were allowed to launch their rockets had a major role with either the USA or USSR by having military bases or scientific facilities in these countries. These countries include: Canada, United Kingdom, China, Japan, Israel, France, India and Ukraine. In each of these countries the US or USSR had a say in these countries advancing technologically or not.  But they chose these specific countries to gain allies and also to share information that will eventually lead into the technology we have today.

Canada's Alouette 1

As I was writing out a list about the positives and negatives of the space race I can up with a thesis that will defend my stance of this event. So here it is: The space race was the largest technological event in human history that changed and advanced our everyday lives. I know that many people would think that maybe the scientific revolution was the biggest advancement in human history but the space race created many more vital equipment and theories we still use today to improve lives on a grand scale.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Week 3: Q2. Has mankind progressed or profited in any way as a result of the moon exploration?

Well to answer the question in a simple matter. Yes, of course how can we not have progressed from this event. We as a species developed many everyday items from the vast amount of knowledge gained from the lunar missions. Many companies have benefited from these technologies as they adapted it for their own products. Space technology has brought us the non-stick frying pans, computer technology, miniaturisation of electronics. But this knowledge raised a big question about human evolution in the universe. You could say we took a giant leap in technology.

But did we progress technologically prior to the moon landing. Well, Yes. Black and Decker one of the major construction tool company provide NASA with the first cordless drill able to turn bolts in zero gravity without spinning the astronauts. They also created various amount of tools able to work in zero gravity that were later profited in the public market. 

The moon landing is considered the crowning achievement in the 20th century and created a new “Inspired World”. This new world created a never ending advancement, meaning that every piece of technology will be changed and improved. After the space race there was a major boom in the U.S. for patenting technological inventions and innovations. As we see from the chart there was a steady increase in patents from when the moon landing occurred in 1969 in less than 15 years it sky rocketed doubling that amount in ’69 and then 5 times that amount in 2005 and still increasing rapidly. Humans were always inspired to progress technologically but the lunar missions pushed us past the boundaries into areas that would impossible, possible. 
The total amount of U.S. patents over time
Week 4: Q3. What other countries were involved in the space race? Why were they involved?

Saturday, 13 April 2013

1. What were the expected results of each country's space exploration efforts?

If anyone does not know what the space race was, it was a race between the US and Soviet Union from the end of WW2 to the mid 70's. It was a race for space supremacy.It was a grudge match between two powerhouses as the two nations focused on attaining firsts in space exploration,. It was necessary for national security and it was symbolic for technological and ideological superiority. It was NASA Vs. the Soviet Space Program. Of course the US and Soviet Union expected a lot from their space developments, especially from the great deal of pressure that was put upon them. It was a matter of, if they are doing it we are too, but we are going to do it first. During this tense time these countries were rushing and when people rush they make mistakes...AKA Soyuz 1, Apollo 1, etc(Don't be the first it doesn't end well). But in order to gain the upper hand on the opponents each program must take risks and reap the rewards that are gained. National pride was on the line.

During the early beginnings of the space race each program's goal would be to master the rocket. Both the US and Soviet Union acquired German scientists after WW2 to help build these rockets.It was the American Redstone Rocket against the Soviet R-series. Eventually they had the expertise to advance the technology to launch various objects into space. Soon after the advancement of rockets it was realised that nuclear weapons could be carried on a rocket and that they were impossible for existing defence systems to stop once launched. Once this was realised many countries such as Britain, Japan, Canada and Australia were also trying to fight for space superiority The most notable advancement of these countries was the Avro Arrow, but it was severely outdated. Once each country had the capability to launch different kind of rockets they moved their sights onto the domination of space.
Soviet R-7 Rocket

NASA's Redstone Rocket

The most important part of the space race was the satellite and was a major expectation that must be fulfilled no matter what. The Americans had the Explorer and the Soviets had the famous Sputnik. Well its sad to say for you Americans that in fact the Russians launch the first successful satellite into orbit. The Sputnik 1 was launched on 4 October 1957 and started the Sputnik crisis in the US. It was said this event started the space race, but it was evident that these two countries were competing before this happened. As each country started launching satellites left, right and centre they started to specialise the satellites into different classifications such as a observation, communication, navigation, weather, research and military capable satellites.
Who would've thought this ball with three legs would start a huge crisis (Sputnik 1)

It wasn't until the Americans and Russians ruled space with their satellites and rockets that it was a matter of time until they would send a human to the moon. This was for all the bragging rights. This event will show which space program was better, which country was better, which system was better Democracy or Communism. Just like the other missions, landing a man on the moon was expected and was to be done as soon as possible. Again it was the Apollo Program against well nothing because the Russians denied competing.(But we all know they secretly pursued the moon) Well this was a walk in the park for the Americans as the first moon landing was on July 20, 1969. With the all to famous Apollo 11 crew: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. Well many thought that this mission would be the last but low and behold it wasn't as the Russians saw something more important, a space station. Two years later the Russians created the Salyut programme which would lead to the world's first space station. It was able to be manned for a long duration of time. It was only in commission for 15 years as the International Space Station took in effect.
Michael Collins (Middle), Neil Armstrong (Left), Buzz Aldrin (Right)

Next Week's Segment: Has mankind progressed or profited in any way as a result of the moon exploration?

Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Space Race

10 Burning Questions:

1. What were the expected results of each country's space exploration efforts?
2. Has mankind progressed or profited in any way as a result of the moon exploration?
3. What countries were involved in the space race?
4. Who won the space race? 
5. Why was this event important?
6. When did the space race start? Did it end?
7. What is the legacy of the space race?
8. Why was going to the moon a high priority?
9. Was the Moon landing fake?
10. Why haven't we been to the moon since 1972?

More to Come....