Wednesday 22 May 2013

As I am nearing the end of my blog entries I will steer away from answering the questions and talk about my thesis and evidence that supports my arguments. So I want to focus on a specific piece of evidence written by Seth Borenstein of the National Post. It explains that the Space Race was in fact a turning point (which it was) and goes into depth as in why? and how? Well to begin, the space race sets the mark as when Neil Armstrong took that first small step on the moon in July 1969, an entire globe watched in grainy black-and-white from a quarter million miles away. An estimated 600 million people which is around 1 out of every 5 on the planet has watched it live."The two historical events likely to be long remembered from the 20th Century are the moon landing and the first atomic bomb", said Smithsonian Institution space curator Roger Launius. Although the Cold War may have silenced the significance of the event at the time, but over the years to come the importance of the moon landing has only grown. Because so many people watched this event it created a scientific culture among many peoples. It promoted better technology and imspired many people to develop and improved on the current space program whether it be in Russia, the US or other nations on Earth. Practically everyone can relate to a what is considered a "Space Event" such as the moon landing or recently Commander Hadfield controlling the ISS being the first Canadian to do so. 

Well its that time to try and tune up and revamp my arguments and thesis to have a better impact on my presentation. It will help teach my peers that the Space Race was not a one time event, in fact it has been on going and is still happening all over the world in different forms and between different nations. So this is what I have so far:

Thesis:  The space race is a major turning point in human history.

Argument 1:  The amount of inventions and patents has dramatically increased after the Space Race

2: The fact that it is still ongoing but not in the same form as many countries still try to get the upper hand on each other through their space technology

3: So many people witnessed the moon landing which created a gateway for more advanced technology and created a urge to travel and understand space

Please tell me what you think of my thesis and arguments in the comment section 
Thanks for reading...

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