Saturday 18 May 2013

Interesting Story

As I was searching around the internet for modern "Space Races" I came upon an article on that was posted not too long ago. Summary:

China launched a rocket into space on Monday but no objects were placed into orbit, the Pentagon said.China has said the rocket, launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in western China, carried a science payload to study the earth's magnetosphere.Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee, declined to comment specifically on the rocket launch, but said China was clearly taking a more aggressive posture in space.Monday's rocket launch was similar to launches using the Blue Scout Junior rocket that were conducted by the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s for research on Earth's magnetosphere, McDowell said in an emailed response to questions.The 1976 launch was Gravity Probe A, when NASA and McDowell's institute worked together to launch an atomic clock to 10,280 km. Monday's launch came less than a week after U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter unveiled what he called a "Long overdue" effort to safeguard U.S. national security satellites and develop ways to counter the space capabilities of potential adversaries.

This aggression that China has shown puts the US in a tough position as the States relies heavily on their satellites. If their were to be a conflict involving the US and China the satellites would be in a vulnerable position. As I was digging deeper into this issue I came across a CNN article written in 2009. I found these statements that really proved that the Space Race is on going. Before you read these statements the USA always and I mean ALWAYS wants to have to best technology and be the world's Superpower at any cost.

"They certainly are on a fast track to improve their capabilities," Chilton said. "They're to be commended for the achievements that they've done in such a short period of time."

Uh Oh! If you are America you should be shaking in your boots. The man saying the quote is Gen. Kevin Chilton, head of the U.S. Strategic Command, which is in charge of the military's space operations thats when you know its true. China is in a excellent position if they want to really scare the US with their space program as they are growing really quickly.

China's intentions in space are a matter of great interest to the United States

Really China? We all know thats a lie...ok moving on

...there is an internal struggle within the Chinese military for who will control the space mission.
Umm this is really not good. If it falls into hands that doesn't like to follow rules it could be detrimental for the US and maybe another Space Race would occur. It is possible! a manned space station in orbit by 2020, according to a Defense Department report to Congress about China's military capabilities. It also is testing the Long March V Rocket, the world's largest, to lift heavy payloads into space and double its current capabilities.China is also developing microsatellites that weigh less than 100 kilograms.China has the ability to conduct some space military operations. As it showed in 2007, the country can attack low orbiting satellites.

This is really really not good for the US. China's capabilities is almost expanding faster that the USA's. This can cause major uproars in the US as the US likes to have military dominance. Having China be in control of these gadgets and military weapons can be intimidating and is as they would be capable to knock satellites out of orbit and severely damage many nations defense capabilities.

I urge you to read this article as it might be shocking and the truth. It was written 4 years ago making me wonder how much more advanced did they get? But this proves that the traditional space race is still effecting many nations space programs as they learned many techniques from the Apollo and Gemini missions.

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